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Sunday, March 8, 2009
The Bonnet, The Fire, & The Dance
Vision (for me): (@ HVC formerly VCF 03.08.09) I was told today that a word was given to this person earlier in the week. I went up for prayer & that person was praying for me. The vision was of a giant bonnet as big as a house standing upright & open. Out pouring from it were all things of womanhood. During prayer, they had another vision of a string of fire that burned strong. After all that, I was told another vision was given to someone for me. That of the dance scene in Get Smart. :)

Conclusion: I asked for strength during prayer. The bonnet reaffirmed my position as a dominant female in my household. I am now alone for the first time in 10 months really. Before that, I had only been alone for a few months. Never before have I ever been alone. I have my children, but as an adult, I've always been in a house with at least one other. Things can be very overwhelming as a single mother. I felt God was trying to encourage me as a mother & head of my household & remind me that I am never alone. The fire was something else I have been praying about. Motivation. I need the fire put in my heart again to accomplish all I want/need to. The dance was God's desire to show what we can do together to the world.


posted by Sommer @ 9:47 PM  
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