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Monday, January 26, 2009
The End
Dream: (@ Four Acre Cottage 01.08.09) I was at work. My children were most likely with their father, 1 1/2 hours away. I turned on the television to see something was wrong. I saw one U.F.O. I walked outside and saw two more. The skies were turning black and I felt like I was in the movie, "War of the Worlds." Then I got in my car and tried to make my way to my kids. I was going so fast and came to a stockpile. I had to get out of my car. Then I saw the aliens roaming around killing people. I somehow grabbed a water gun to keep them at bay (yet another alien movie reference, "Signs"). I ended up floating on a wood board & felt like I would never get to my children on this river. I just wanted to be with my children. . .

Conclusion: I don't know, but I have been thinking a lot about the end of days. Is this something every normal person thinks about? I also have been grieving for the children of the world. I cry and cry for them sometimes. I just want them all to have parents that care, to have a warm bed to lie in and a place to feel safe. I pray that soo much.

Update (03.08.09): I had another dream pertaining to the same kind of thing a few weeks later. This time I was trying to get to my kids. One of my best friends was with me & her boyfriend was driving an older model car through snow & sleet. We went as far as we could & the river was iced over. Then we looked to the left & the bridge we were supposed to be on was far far to the left of us. We were driving through country. I felt helpless not able to get to my children.


posted by Sommer @ 8:38 PM  
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