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Monday, January 21, 2008
The Jellyfish

Vision: (@ SNG 01.13.08) As we were worshiping during SNG, I saw a jellyfish. Not any old jellyfish . . . a Man-O-War jellyfish. This seems scary to most people, but it is the second vision I have had with a marine animal in it. God is definitely speaking to me because I was a Marine Biology major (despite my ongoing love of the office environment - cough, cough). A Portuguese Man-O-War is actually a colony of individually specialized organisms all working together as one. Weird, I know. But I knew this little known fact. And I felt like it had something to do with our group.

However, it has come to my attention that it just might be for the church. Since that day, there have been two more visions of jellyfish - one of which was drawn by a small child - by members of our church body in situations outside of my own. Strange in that this is January, very cold here, and we are in the Mid-West - totally jellyfish weather, yeah? Go figure. God speaks.

Conclusion: I feel our church is going through some hard times as individuals. I'm not sure where we are as a whole and maybe that's where this jellyfish comes in. Maybe we need to start working harder together.
  • If you want to know more about the Portuguese Man-O-War, visit Wikipedia


posted by Sommer @ 10:24 PM  
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