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Tuesday, January 15, 2008
The Watery Ascension
Dream: (@ Retro Station 01.14.08) We were on vacation, Mom, Dad, my sister, my brother (though in real life I don’t have a brother) & I – at the beach in a cove somewhere with tall buildings. We notice another cove down the waterway and decided we would drive down to it to look upon the water at dusk. The drive was long & it got dark outside. Everything had a blue tint to it. Mom was driving fast, though we didn’t know it. A bend in the road came fast and Mom kept the car straight driving right off a dune onto a beach. We tried to get her to turn the wheel, but she said, “No! You are supposed to go straight!” We were going so fast when we hit the water that we flipped in the car about ten times.

When we stopped we were upside down – or so I thought. I didn’t know if we were underwater or on the beach. I looked over at where my brother was at and he was knocked out. I looked through his window for some reason (not mine) and realized we were underwater and the windows were about to break from the pressure. I took 2 deep breaths and then closed my eyes and took a third – ready for the drowning of my earthly body. I heard nothing. I felt nothing.

All of a sudden, we were in the car on a conveyor belt under what looked like a system of blue painted steel catwalks and ladders going up and up. I couldn’t see where they ended. I looked around and saw other cars in line on the conveyor belts. People were getting out of their cars at little “stations” and climbing up the ladders. Then my brother got out of our car and we followed. He started up a ladder to the first catwalk. We looked around and found more ladders. Which one to climb? My brother seemed to know where he was going. I woke . . . I tried to go back to sleep to finish the dream, but I never got past the first catwalk.


posted by Sommer @ 10:24 PM  
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