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Saturday, May 31, 2008
The Passage by Isaiah
Word: (@ Cutlass Supreme 05.29.08) While driving to work on that lovely slow stretch of I-270, I was worshipping happily. I asked God for something . . . a vision, word, something. He gave me a word: Isaiah 50:2

When I came, why was there no one?
When I called, why was there no one to answer?
Was my arm too short to ransom you?
Do I lack the strength to rescue you?
By a mere rebuke I dry up the sea,
I turn rivers into a desert;
their fish rot for lack of water
and die of thirst.

Conclusion: I really do not know what it means to me. I don't believe it is meant for me personally, though, I guess if it were, it would be a harsh reality. See, the Lord & I have this relationship and I think he's helping me through some things just fine. I have a feeling this word will come up again later. Anybody have a clue?
posted by Sommer @ 11:41 PM  
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