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Monday, March 24, 2008
The Smiling Eye
Vision: (@ VCF 03.23.08) During our prayer time, I saw an eye. One eye. This eye was happy. By this I mean I could tell that whomever this eye belonged to, the person was smiling . . . and smiling big. The eye kept blinking slowly. With every blink, the eye would wander to a new direction. But with every look into a different light, the eye was still "smiling." It seemed this person was very happy and to me, it seemed this person was happy to be with God. I had the feeling this person was inundated with happiness. You know the kind you get when your heart is soooo on fire for Jesus. When you just can't stop thinking about Him and all He has done for you! This person was entirely elated and filled with the innocence of a child. And truthfully, the more I write about it, the more I want that feeling right now. And . . . . there it is! I just asked for it and He gave me a touch. Lord, I love thee!

Conclusion: Hmmm. Kinda clueless if there is a meaning to the eye part. But all in all, maybe this was a personal vision. Maybe He just wants me to want Him more. It worked! Maybe He is once again reminding me how much He loves me. Maybe, just maybe all that I just said is a by-product of this vision and it is meant for you or the church. Thoughts?
posted by Sommer @ 7:44 PM  
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