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Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The Hearts
Vision: (@ SNG 02.10.08) During worship, I saw hundreds of red hearts forming over and over again. Solid hearts, outlined hearts, but forming on top of one another over and over.

Conclusion: I felt like this was God showing His love for us - not just as a church or group, but as His children - all of us. A vision was also given to someone and interpreted for me as God trying to show me how much He loves me and how highly He thinks of me as His child - reminding me that He knows what I am going through and He is my Father, here for me any time I need Him and that no matter what, He is proud of me and my love for Him. Thank you Papa!


posted by Sommer @ 8:32 AM   0 comments
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
The Water Well with a Wooden Cross
Vision: (@ TNG 02.05.08) During worship I saw a wooden cross about 2-feet above the ground attached to something behind it. In further investigation, I saw it was a pump to a well. Instead of the handle off the pump, there was a large wooden cross, which seemed to be like an arrow pointing upwards. The wood was gnarled & rustic. Below the cross, the ground was laid in a circle with bricks and they breathed in and out (opening & closing in the middle). Finally, it opened fully and revealed a stairway not going down into darkness, but coming up from darkness into the light.

Conclusion: Clueless at the moment. Please comment.
posted by Sommer @ 3:48 PM   0 comments
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
The Watery Ascension Update
Update: My mother commented that my "brother" in the dream could have been Jesus, as he was leading us all to heaven. I think that's an excellent perseption. I agree. Anyone else?
posted by Sommer @ 11:45 PM   0 comments