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Wednesday, June 30, 2010
The Circus Tent
Vision: (@ TNG 06.29.10) During worship, I saw a tent pole holding up a large tent, such as that at a circus.  I recognized the ropes radiating from the top of the tent pole supporting the canvas above it.  I felt this was not only a personal message, but a message for all of us.  It was an affirmation of God's love and support.  It seems all of us in the group are going through interesting changes in our lives.  Big changes.  Not just little changes like diets and clothes.

God desires us to seek Him out.  He is jealous for us.  He often challenges us in life in order to draw us near.  I truly believe that.  I felt the tent pole was God and as long as we kept our challenges and changing lives underneath the shelter of His tent, we will all be okay and He will be there to help us along.  He covers us in all of our pain, sin, and all around hard times.  HE covers us and nothing else.  God wants your attention.  He longs for your heart just as we long for His.

Over the last day, this message has been continually repeated to me.  Take 5 minutes today and share your time with Him.  I promise...it will be worth it.
posted by Sommer @ 11:40 PM